Are you tired of ugly
sed and awk one liners?
or of using tons of
different parsing libraries
or common::line tricks?
/etc/hosts -> /files/etc/hosts
$ augtool print /files/etc/hosts /files/etc/hosts /files/etc/hosts/1 /files/etc/hosts/1/ipaddr = "" /files/etc/hosts/1/canonical = "localhost"
Access Cron Host_Conf Aliases Crypttab Hostname Anacron debctrl Hosts_Access Approx Desktop IniFile AptConf Dhcpd Inputrc Automaster Dpkg Iptables Automounter Exports Kdump BackupPCHosts FAI_DiskConfig Keepalived cgconfig Fonts Keepalived cgrules Fuse Login_defs Channels Grub Mke2fs ...
Build Sep Simplelines IniFile Shellvars Simplevars Rx Shellvars_list Util
$ augtool augtool> ls / augeas/ = (none) files/ = (none) augtool> print /files/etc/passwd/root/ /files/etc/passwd/root /files/etc/passwd/root/password = "x" /files/etc/passwd/root/uid = "0" /files/etc/passwd/root/gid = "0" /files/etc/passwd/root/name = "root" /files/etc/passwd/root/home = "/root" /files/etc/passwd/root/shell = "/bin/bash"
augtool> print /files/etc/passwd/*[uid='0'][1] /files/etc/passwd/root /files/etc/passwd/root/password = "x" /files/etc/passwd/root/uid = "0" /files/etc/passwd/root/gid = "0" /files/etc/passwd/root/name = "root" /files/etc/passwd/root/home = "/root" /files/etc/passwd/root/shell = "/bin/bash"
$ getent passwd root root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash $ augtool augtool> set /files/etc/passwd/*[uid='0']/shell /bin/sh augtool> match /files/etc/passwd/*[uid='0']/shell /files/etc/passwd/root/shell = "/bin/sh" augtool> save Saved 1 file(s) augtool> exit $ getent passwd root root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/sh
augeas{ "export foo" : context => "/files/etc/exports", changes => [ "set dir[. = '/foo'] /foo", "set dir[. = '/foo']/client weeble", "set dir[. = '/foo']/client/option[1] ro", "set dir[. = '/foo']/client/option[2] all_squash", ], }
define kmod::generic( $type, $module, $ensure=present, $command='', $file='/etc/modprobe.d/modprobe.conf' ) { augeas {"${type} module ${module}": context => "/files${file}", changes => [ "set ${type}[. = '${module}'] ${module}", "set ${type}[. = '${module}']/command '${command}'", ], } }
$ mco augeas match /files/etc/passwd/rpinson/shell * [ ======================================> ] 196 / 196 ... wrk1 saja-map-dev /files/etc/passwd/rpinson/shell = /bin/bash wrk3 wrk4 /files/etc/passwd/rpinson/shell = /bin/bash ...
require 'augeas' aug = if aug.match('/augeas/load/'+lens).length > 0 aug.set('/augeas/load/'+lens+'/incl[last()+1]', path) else aug.set('/augeas/load/'+lens+'/lens', lens+'.lns') end
Facter.add(:augeasversion) do setcode do begin require 'augeas' aug = Augeas::open('/', nil, Augeas::NO_MODL_AUTOLOAD) ver = aug.get('/augeas/version') aug.close ver rescue Exception Facter.debug('ruby-augeas not available') end end end
factdef ip aug = nil path = "/files#{self.class.file(resource)}" begin aug = self.class.augopen(resource) aug.get("#{path}/*[canonical = '#{resource[:name]}']/ipaddr") ensure aug.close if aug end end
augtool> print /augeas//error /augeas/files/etc/mke2fs.conf/error = "parse_failed" /augeas/files/etc/mke2fs.conf/error/pos = "82" /augeas/files/etc/mke2fs.conf/error/line = "3" /augeas/files/etc/mke2fs.conf/error/char = "0" /augeas/files/etc/mke2fs.conf/error/lens = \ "/usr/share/augeas/lenses/dist/mke2fs.aug:132.10-.49:" /augeas/files/etc/mke2fs.conf/error/message = \ "Get did not match entire input"
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